
This is a Neopets petpage archive ran by Pom and Robyn. Neopets is doing account and pet purges and while also excluding them from any archives like Wayback Machine. We are here to archive these petpages when so many have been and will be lost to time. If your pet's site is showcased here and you would like the page removed, please email us!


adoptables guild webbies
characters pixels
premade layouts graphics
buttons directories
screenies other


pomelo.lol pastelhello.com pom's lookup robyns's lookup Neo City Guild email us tagboard

link us

shameless guild plug

If you are a Neopian who's looking for a guild to join, please consider joining Neo City! It's our guild for all the webmasters of Neopia! We offer lends, coding help, and a place to chat!


Other than the content on this directory page, we claim zero ownership for any of the content on the pages hosted here. We are simply serving as an archive. If any of these pets and their sites belong to you and you'd like them removed, please email us.



A Nerkmid in Neopets is a rare and valuable item used to operate the Alien Aisha Vending Machine, which is a feature in the game. Players can use a Nerkmid in the vending machine to receive a random prize, which can range from food items to rare and expensive items like Paintbrushes or other Nerkmids. The Nerkmid itself is considered a sought-after item due to its rarity and the potential rewards it can yield when used in the machine.

about this site
What is this site and are we doing this? We are life long Neopets fans and we have been playing since the dial up days. A large chunk of our creative inspiration was influenced by Neopets. So much of the content that we spent our childhoods scrolling through is forever gone. Unlike the other sites we remember fondly and can still visit (albeit in a broken state) on archives, the same cannot be said for Neopets petpages.

Every few years Neopets does a purge, meaning that accounts, pets and petpages that haven't been logged into in a few years get deleted. Another purge is scheduled for October 2024. The last one they did was in 2012, which may seem like a long time ago, but a massive amount of content has been deleted when you consider that the site came out in 1999. After 25 years so much art, code, pixels, drawings and stories are gone forever and these petpages left blank and pets deleted. After that, there is no way to view them since Neopets has excluded themselves from the Wayback Machine. On top of the pets and their pages getting purged and deleted, their lookups are forever gone. The userlookups of their owners are gone, along with any shop or gallery codes and graphics the user may have used. Also the death of Tinypic has been a disaster for many images hosted on Neopets. We fear Photobucket is doomed to face the same fate soon so we took it upon ourselves to also archive any images as well. The only edits we have made to any of the petpages is to re-host the images ourselves in case Photobucket goes down.

Neopets is also notorious for being riddled with all kinds of security issues, from database breeches and botting leading to accounts getting stolen and frozen, to the fact that the site has been sold off and changed ownership so many times. Somehow the site itself has stood the test of time, but not all pets and their sites made it out unscathed.

This site is ran by Pomelo and Pastelhell, and we take no credit for any of the content hosted on these archives, we simply just want to preserve them. We are not making any edits to the content itself and keeping them in their original state. If any of these are your pet's page, and you would like it removed, please send us an email.